Русско-финская конференция “Social change, inequality and contemporary society” 09.12.2010.

Русско-финская конференция “Social change, inequality and contemporary society” 09.12.2010.

9 декабря 2010 г. в Институте социологии РАН прошла русско-финская конференция “Social change, inequality and contemporary society”, в работе которой приняли участие финские социологи из университетов Тампере и Хельсинки и сотрудники ИС РАН.
Сессию 1 вел профессор В.А. Мансуров, Институт социологии РАН.
С докладами выступили:
1. Blom Raimo (Professor Emeritus, University of Tampere). Social change and inequality: international aspect.
2. Yurchenko Olesya (Senior Researcher, Institute of Sociology, RAS). Professionalization of Russian Doctors: Challenges and Perspectives.
3. Melin Harri (Vice-Rector, University of Tampere). Social change and inequality in contemporary society (ISSP data).
4. Chernysh Mikhail (Head of Sector, Institute of Sociology, RAS). Intergenerational mobility in the Russian and Chinese city: a case of cross-cultural comparison.
5. Popova Irina (Senior Researcher, Institute of Sociology, RAS). “Ambivalent” mobility in biographical interviews.
6. Mareeva Svetlana (Senior Researcher, Institute of Sociology, RAS). The role of state and optimal way of Russia’s development in perception of population.
7. Nikula Jouko (Senior Researcher, Alexanteri Institute, University of Helsinki). Aspects of regional inequality in Finland.
Сессию 2 вел профессор Харри Мелин, Университет Тампере.
С докладами выступили:
1. Pietillainen Jukka (Professor, Department of Journalism, University of Tampere). Media use as social divide in Russia.
2. Semenova Anna (Senior Researcher, Institute of Sociology, RAS). Transformation of the security agencies image in the acts of terrorism coverage.
3. Danilova Elena (Head of Sector, Institute of Sociology, RAS). The winners and losers of the Russian and Chinese reforms: a comparative aspect.
4. Semenova Victoria (Head of Sector, Institute of Sociology, RAS). Collective memory and public discourse: the forms of commitment and opposition.
5. Epikhina Julia (Researcher, Institute of Sociology, RAS). Patterns of educational mobility in the transforming society.

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