Towards a More Pluralistic Society: “I” and “We” in the Perception of the Population
Дробижева Л.М.
Towards a More Pluralistic Society: “I” and “We” in the Perception of the Population // Life Expectations of the People. Research Series on the Chinese Dream and China’s Development Path. / Eds. by P. Li, M.K. Gorshkov. Singapore: Springer, 2021. P. 157-172.
Глава из книги: Life Expectations of the People. Research Series on the Chinese Dream and China’s Development Path. / Eds. by P. Li, M.K. Gorshkov. Singapore: Springer, 2021. - 303 p.
ISBN 978-981-16-2504-6
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-2505-3_11
Размещена на сайте: 24.01.22
Ссылка при цитировании:
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-2505-3_11
Since the times of M. Weber, sociologists have been looking for explanations to the peculiarities of national populations and methods of interaction that ensure the harmonious development of society. M. Weber and K. Marx thought that ethnic differences would be erased and lose social importance with the development of industrial society and the process of civilization. Globalization theorists (M. Castells) had the same line of thinking. The results have been ambiguous at different stages of history. On the one hand, industrialization, urbanization, and the rise of the information society has brought commonalities to the material and spiritual lives of people from different cultures and civilizations. On the other hand, the flow of human movement and expanding information space has strengthened comparisons and correlations of those striving to understand their identity. The new globalizing society has provided possibilities which were unavailable earlier, and network communications have strengthened contact and solidarity. The polysemy of these processes is especially evident in polyethnic countries.
Ключевые слова:
pluralistic society national identity ethnicity toleranceРубрики:
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