Voronin G. L., Zakharov V. Ia., Kozyreva P. M. “Who Lives Well in Russia?”: 1994–2013 Monitoring Survey. Sociological Research, 2017, Volume 56, Issue 5: Economy, Employment and Lifestyle in Russia, pp. 363-387.

Voronin G. L., Zakharov V. Ia., Kozyreva P. M. “Who Lives Well in Russia?”: 1994–2013 Monitoring Survey. Sociological Research, 2017, Volume 56, Issue 5: Economy, Employment and Lifestyle in Russia, pp. 363-387.

Voronin G. L., Zakharov V. Ia., Kozyreva P. M. “Who Lives Well in Russia?”: 1994–2013 Monitoring Survey. Sociological Research, 2017, Volume 56, Issue 5: Economy, Employment and Lifestyle in Russia, pp. 363-387.
ISSN 1061-0154 (Print); ISSN 2328-5184 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10610154.2017.1393218

Размещена на сайте: 25.12.17

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Ссылка при цитировании:

Voronin G. L., Zakharov V. Ia., Kozyreva P. M. “Who Lives Well in Russia?”: 1994–2013 Monitoring Survey. Sociological Research, 2017, Volume 56, Issue 5: Economy, Employment and Lifestyle in Russia, pp. 363-387.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10610154.2017.1393218


This article analyzes life satisfaction in Russia’s population over the last two decades, as well as its determinants, based on OECD methodology and data from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of the Higher School of Economics (RLMS-HSE). It shows that in Russia, which during its transformational period went through each phase of the business cycle with high oscillation amplitude, life satisfaction is more closely connected to the main economic indicators than in countries that have not experienced similar economic and social shocks. The way life satisfaction and its main determinants are correlated in Russia is similar to what we see in several other countries, but the specific values and forms of these connections depend on the particular motions of the economic cycle in any given country, as well as the previous path (model) of its development.


Ключевые слова:

life satisfaction economic crisis work income russia


Воронин Г.Л., Захаров В.Я., Козырева П.М.



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