Baluev D., Kazakov M., Rykhtik M., Ulmaeva L., Ustinkin S. Human Security Concept as an Analytical Framework for the Study of Asymmetric Conflict. Revista Espacios. Vol. 38 (Nº 44) Año 2017. Pág. 28-38.

Baluev D., Kazakov M., Rykhtik M., Ulmaeva L., Ustinkin S. Human Security Concept as an Analytical Framework for the Study of Asymmetric Conflict. Revista Espacios. Vol. 38 (Nº 44) Año 2017. Pág. 28-38.

Baluev D., Kazakov M., Rykhtik M., Ulmaeva L., Ustinkin S. Human Security Concept as an Analytical Framework for the Study of Asymmetric Conflict. Revista Espacios. Vol. 38 (Nº 44) Año 2017. Pág. 28-38.
ISSN 0798-1015

Размещена на сайте: 29.12.17

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Ссылка при цитировании:

Baluev D., Kazakov M., Rykhtik M., Ulmaeva L., Ustinkin S. Human Security Concept as an Analytical Framework for the Study of Asymmetric Conflict. Revista Espacios. Vol. 38 (Nº 44) Año 2017. Pág. 28-38.


This article examines the human security concept and its use in international relations theory. Of particular interest is its possible use in the study of asymmetric conflict. The article attempts to identify the weakest points in human security studies in general and to propose ways of filling in existing gaps and conceptual inconsistencies. The concept of human security is not yet coherent and harmonious. A working definition of human security covering existing gaps is proposed in the article.

Ключевые слова:

government human security political practice security studies


Устинкин С.В., и др.


Политические системы и процессы

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