Fabrykant, M. and Magun, V. 2019. Dynamics of National Pride: Attitudes in Post-Soviet Russia, 1996–2015. Nationalities Papers 47: 20–37, doi:10.1017 ...

Fabrykant, M. and Magun, V. 2019. Dynamics of National Pride: Attitudes in Post-Soviet Russia, 1996–2015. Nationalities Papers 47: 20–37, doi:10.1017 ...

Fabrykant, M. and Magun, V. 2019. Dynamics of National Pride: Attitudes in Post-Soviet Russia, 1996–2015. Nationalities Papers 47: 20–37, doi:10.1017/nps.2018.18
ISSN 0090-5992
DOI: 10.1017/nps.2018.18

Размещена на сайте: 23.09.19

Текст статьи на сайте журнала URL: https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/6D380C82B7A967CEFD43755EA1A3FD65/S0090599218000181a.pdf/dynamics_of_national_pride_attitudes_in_postsoviet_russia_19962015.pdf (дата обращения 23.09.2019)

Ссылка при цитировании:

Fabrykant, M. and Magun, V. 2019. Dynamics of National Pride: Attitudes in Post-Soviet Russia, 1996–2015. Nationalities Papers 47: 20–37, doi:10.1017/nps.2018.18
DOI: 10.1017/nps.2018.18


The article examines a key attribute of Russian national identity—national pride—as it is reflected in mass consciousness. To trace the dynamics of multiple facets of national pride and related phenomena from 1996 to 2015, we use data from five surveys. The results demonstrate a substantial growth in Russian national pride in specific country achievements and general pride in Russian citizenship over the last 20 years. This change is the result of the population’s and state’s need for positive social identity as well as from both real and imagined progress in the Russian economy and political influence, and it started long before the Crimea mobilization and Olympics of 2014. The structural difference in pride in various achievements persisted for the 20 years examined here, but became less distinct. Across the years examined here, Russian national pride has become more strongly related to belief in the superiority of the country and is therefore increasingly competitive. The article examines a key attribute of Russian national identity—national pride—as it is reflected in massconsciousness. To trace the dynamics of multiple facets of national pride and related phenomena from1996 to 2015, we use data from five surveys. The results demonstrate a substantial growth in Russiannational pride in specific country achievements and general pride in Russian citizenship over the last 20years. This change is the result of the population’s and state’s need for positive social identity as well asfrom both real and imagined progress in the Russian economy and political influence, and it started longbefore the Crimea mobilization and Olympics of 2014. The structural difference in pride in variousachievements persisted for the 20 years examined here, but became less distinct. Across the yearsexamined here, Russian national pride has become more strongly related to belief in the superiority of thecountry and is therefore increasingly competitive.

В статье рассматривается динамика  гордости своей страной и ее различными достижениями у россиян на протяжении постсоветского двадцатилетия, с 1996 по 2015 гг. Продемонстрирован заметный рост общей гордости и гордости достижениями страны. Различия в уровне гордости различными достижениями сохранялись на протяжении всего рассматриваемого периода, но постепенно  становились менее резкими. На протяжении рассматриваемого периода усиливалась связь гордости с чувством превосходства России перед другими странами, т.е. оценки гордости становились более соревновательными.      

Ключевые слова:

национальная гордость россия общественное мнение социальные изменения национальное превосходство national pride russia public opinion social change national superiority


Фабрикант М.С., Магун В.С.


Социология общественного мнения
Политическая культура

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