Список публикаций
娜塔莉亚·迪霍诺娃(N.E. Tikhonova), 卡拉瓦伊(A.V. Karavay). 现代俄罗斯中产阶层演变的轨迹 (Trajectories of the Middle Income Groups’ Evolution in Modern Russia) // 中国和俄斯的 中等收入群体:影响和趋势 (Middle-income groups in China and Russia: influences and trends) / 李培林 戈尔什科夫 (edited by Li Peilin, Gorshkov M.K.). 社会科学文献出版社 (Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2018: 45-64.
尤莉亚·莱尼娜(Yu P. Lezhnina). 俄罗斯中等收入群体的代际流动及家庭的作用 (Intergenerational Mobility of Middle Income Groups in Russia and the Role of Family in this Process) // 中国和俄斯的 中等收入群体:影响和趋势 (Middle-income groups in China and Russia: influences and trends) / 李培林 戈尔什科夫 (edited by Li Peilin, Gorshkov M.K.). 社会科学文献出版社 (Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2018: 169-184.
戈尔什科夫(M.K. Gorshkov). 中产阶层的兴起和当代俄罗斯的研究经验 (The History of Studies of Middle Class and Middle Income Groups in Modern Russia) // 中国和俄斯的 中等收入群体:影响和趋势 (Middle-income groups in China and Russia: influences and trends) / 李培林 戈尔什科夫 (edited by Li Peilin, Gorshkov M.K.). 社会科学文献出版社 (Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2018: 20-30.
斯维特兰娜·马瑞娃(S.V. Mareeva). 俄罗斯中产阶层的消费与生活方式 (Consumption Characteristics of Middle Income Groups in Russia) // 中国和俄斯的 中等收入群体:影响和趋势 (Middle-income groups in China and Russia: influences and trends) / 李培林 戈尔什科夫 (edited by Li Peilin, Gorshkov M.K.). 社会科学文献出版社 (Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2018: 135-156.
瓦西里·A.安尼金(Vasiliy A. Anikin). 俄罗斯中等收入群体的就业与工作 (Characteristics of Employment of Russian Middle Income Groups) // 中国和俄斯的 中等收入群体:影响和趋势 (Middle-income groups in China and Russia: influences and trends) / 李培林 戈尔什科夫 (edited by Li Peilin, Gorshkov M.K.). 社会科学文献出版社 (Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2018: 74-92.
鲍丽娜·科兹列娃(P.M. Kozyreva), 亚历山大·斯米尔诺夫(A.I. Smirnov). 俄罗斯中等收入群体的教育与生活幸福感 (Middle Income Groups in Russian Society: the Correlation Between Education and Material Well-Being) // 中国和俄斯的 中等收入群体:影响和趋势 (Middle-income groups in China and Russia: influences and trends) / 李培林 戈尔什科夫 (edited by Li Peilin, Gorshkov M.K.). 社会科学文献出版社 (Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2018: 106-122.
鲍丽娜·科兹列娃(P.M. Kozyreva), 亚历山大·斯米尔诺夫(A.I. Smirnov). 俄罗斯中等收入群体的社会保障和抗风险的能力 (Social Security and Risk Resistance Capacity of Middle Income Groups in Russia) // 中国和俄斯的 中等收入群体:影响和趋势 (Middle-income groups in China and Russia: influences and trends) / 李培林 戈尔什科夫 (edited by Li Peilin, Gorshkov M.K.). 社会科学文献出版社 (Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2018: 196-216.
鲍丽娜·科兹列娃(P.M. Kozyreva), 亚历山大·斯米尔诺夫(A.I. Smirnov). 俄罗斯大都市的中等收入群体 (Middle Income Groups in Russian Metropolitan Cities) // 中国和俄斯的 中等收入群体:影响和趋势 (Middle-income groups in China and Russia: influences and trends) / 李培林 戈尔什科夫 (edited by Li Peilin, Gorshkov M.K.). 社会科学文献出版社 (Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2018: 357-369.
N.N. 塞多娃(Natalia N. Sedova). 俄罗斯中产阶层的社会价值观 (Social Values of Russian Middle Income Groups) // 中国和俄斯的 中等收入群体:影响和趋势 (Middle-income groups in China and Russia: influences and trends) / 李培林 戈尔什科夫 (edited by Li Peilin, Gorshkov M.K.). 社会科学文献出版社 (Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2018: 266-284.
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